The UN Refugee Convention 60 Years On – Time to Rethink Approaches to Protection?

This week marks the 60th anniversary of the coming into force of the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. Much has changed since the Convention was initially drafted, signed and ratified by states. Increasing globalization, more and more diverse causes of flight and situations requiring protection that often do not fit the …

Believing and Belonging

Next week, Professor Simon Glendinning from the London School of Economics will give a talk on "Derrida and the Question of Religion Today" as part of the Centre for Religion, Conflict and the Public Domain Seminar Series. In today's post, he gives us an insight to his research exploring the different ways in which people …

‘The Passion’: RTL Boulevard-versie van het lijdensverhaal

Door de straten in Groningen trekt vanavond een lichtend wit kruis, en de binnenstad verandert even in Jeruzalem. The Passion is neergestreken in de stad. Wat heeft het nog te maken met het Bijbelse lijdensverhaal van Christus? Van Justin Kroesen & Birgit van der Lans. The Passion komt naar Groningen! Al weken gonst een mix van enthousiasme, …

“Culture” or “religion”? Understanding the popularity of the Passion

The Passion comes to Groningen in 2014. A hugely popular event, it raises many questions at the same time. Is it a form of religion reasserting itself in the public sphere? Is it a purely cultural event, as some commentators suggest? Is it a combination of the two? What are its political and social implications? …

Understanding Evil, Encouraging Forgiveness: Lessons from Rwanda 20 years on

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the beginning of the Rwandan genocide. Both then and now, the international community had many unanswered questions about how the genocide occurred and how the evil that was perpetrated could have happened. In today’s post, Erin Wilson reflects on what religion teaches us about evil, but also about forgiveness, …

The ‘Religion Factor’ and 21st Century Terrorism

Research and policy on terrorism in the 21st century seems to assume a strong link to religion and that this somehow makes 21st century terrorism unique in comparison to terrorism from previous historical periods. But is this really the case? Christian Frank explores these issues in today's post. Terrorism and terrorist activities are not a new …